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Best Everyday Walking Sticks 2025

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Fashionable walking sticks are the perfect accessory for all formal events – weddings, parties and even horse racing. When most of us look for our perfect stick, we're after an eye-catching design in attractive colours that will perfectly complement any carefully chosen outfit, whether for a casual day out or a special event. Of course, it's also important that the stick provides the level of support and safety we need.

With so many variations of the classic everyday walking stick available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and lose the sense of what you were looking for in the first place. To make this task easier, we've put together a list of some of our favourite and most popular canes. Hopefully, we've included the perfect option to catch your eye!

Our Best Casual Wooden Sticks

These wooden sticks are great daily drivers, providing an elegant touch to your outfit that won't stick out like a sore thumb. They're made with a range of our most popular woods, letting the grain shine to provide you with a support that's easy on the eye.

Our Best Lightweight Folding Everyday Sticks

If you need a stick that's convenient, supportive and stylish, a folding stick is the perfect option. These sticks can be easily folded away in a backpack or handbag, and are available in a multitude of styles to fit virtually any outfit.

Our Best Ergonomic Handle Walking Sticks

Standard walking stick handles can put a lot of strain on the wrists and hands, especially for those suffering from arthritis, weak wrists or lingering injuries. Walking sticks with ergonomic handles are a great solution, as they spread the weight evenly along the hand, and are designed to reduce strain on the wrist and fingers.

Support, Style and Function

This is our selection of some of the most practical and charming everyday sticks, but we do realise that our taste may differ from your personal preferences. At we offer a very broad range of Everyday Walking Sticks, and if you take a look for yourself, we're certain you’ll find exactly what you need.

What's your favourite style of everyday walking stick? Let us know in the comments, or find us on Twitter and Facebook!